

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Jonathan Administration And Its 50 Shades Of Lies By Karo Orovboni

If there is one thing Nigerians are now accustomed to, it is the numerous lies and half-truth that have been told by the President Goodluck Jonathan administration. It is no longer strange to hear officials of this administration lie to Nigerians. It is so common place that they now do it at will. This has inevitably come at a cost; there is massive distrust between the government and its citizens. 
Well, here are the 50 shades of lies told by the Jonathan-led administration.
1. Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) are not responsible for the October 1st, 2010 Eagles Square bombing.

2. I will complete rehabilitation of all refineries by March 2013.

3. Palliatives have been created to reduce effect of the removal of fuel subsidy.

4. We have made plans to construct 6 modular refineries.

5. The First Lady is not ill; she only went to Germany to rest.

6. Nigerians are happy with the power situation in the country.

7. We are generating more than 5,000 megawatts of electricity.

8. We have killed Boko Haram Leader, Shekau.

9. We have rescued all but 8 of the abducted Chibok girls.

10. We have fixed 25,000km of roads in Nigeria.

11. We are fighting corruption head on.

12. The Nigerian troops tactically maneuvered to Cameroon.

13. We have the vaccines for Ebola.

14. We have eradicated queues from petrol stations.

15. Federal Government created 1.2 million jobs for Nigerians from mining.

16. We have exposed decades of scam in the management of pensions and fuel subsidy, and ensured that the culprits are being brought to book.

17. We have fixed Ore-Shagamu road.

18. We funded the multi-million-naira dam in Malete, Kwara state.

19. President Jonathan has delivered on his promises on power (electricity).

20. We have reduced poverty rate by 50 percent.

21. President Jonathan brought Facebook to Nigeria.

22. The erstwhile governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, could be responsible for the increase in tempo of Boko Haram activities.

23. The Jonathan administration executed the dualization of Benin-Warri road.

24. Okpella Water Scheme project in Edo state has been completed.

25. Soldiers never flogged innocent Nigerians on the street under the Jonathan Administration.

26. The Jonathan administration has reduced maternal mortality rate by 50 per cent.

27. President Jonathan does not interfere with other arms of the government.

28. No Nigerian territory has been taken over by Boko Haram

29. In terms of road infrastructure, no government has done more than this government.

30. No government has intervened in agriculture more than this government.

31. The Jonathan administration has done more in the petroleum sector than any other administration in the Nigeria.

32. The rail system collapsed in this country around 1983/1984, the Jonathan administration is bringing it back.

33. We now live in a Nigeria where elections are so transparent.

34. President Jonathan brought lasting peace to Nigeria.

35. All airports in Nigeria have been remodeled.

36. We did not militarize Ekiti election.

37. Bring Back Our Girls Protesters prevented the Chibok parents from seeing the President.

38. No money was given to the parents of the abducted Chibok girls when they visited President Jonathan.

39. Bring Back Our Girls group is a franchise; they have bank account.

40. We have agreed a cease-fire deal with Boko Haram.

41. Chibok girls will be released on Monday, 20th of October 2014.

42. There is no report of mutiny in Maimalari Barracks, Maiduguri.

43. I never said I would not seek a second term in office.

44. There was no massacre in Baga village.

45. Henry Okah was contracted to kill me.

46. The money Jim Nwobodo stole was not enough to buy a Peugeot [car].

47. I did not dance in Kano after the first Nyanya bombing.

48. We have recorded more convictions in this administration than any other administration.

49. The Ekiti rigging tape is a fabrication.

50. The military has killed Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, at least three times.

Culled from Saharareporters

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