

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ibinabo Fiberesima should go to prison but…

An opinion published by an online journal, suggests that the AGN President should face the law but mercy should be considered because of her children

On Friday, March 11, 2016 the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) President Ibinabo Fiberesima had her appeal dismissed by a Lagos High Court.

What this means is that Ibinabo Fiberesima will have to serve the 5-year sentence handed down by Justice Deborah Oluwayemi of a Lagos High Court for reckless driving, resulting in the death Dr. Giwa Suraj who was a doctor at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital.

Ibinabo Fiberesimaplay
Ibinabo Fiberesima selling Tomatoes at the market
Ibinabo’s first son Sean Liam Coughlan has written an open letter appealing for his mum not to be imprisoned.
My mother is the most humble woman I know, I was not aware she was a celebrity until I was about 14 and that’s only because my uncle told me, she does not see herself or act as if she is above any other person. She is a proud Nigerian who loves her country and its people.
“Secondly, she has been carrying heartbreak around with her for the past 11 years after the accident. She understands the pain for the deceased family and is very hurt about what happened herself. She has tried her utter most to console with the Family, so don’t ever think she does not care” wrote Sean.
Ibinabo Fiberesimaplay
Ibinabo Fiberesima in new  photos
His letter surely tugs at the heartstrings but the law is still the law no matter what. If Ibinabo did the crime, then she must do the time. The law is no respecter of persons. All over the world celebrities go to jail every time even the female ones.
Paris HiltonMartha Stewart and Lil’ Kim are examples of female celebrities who have been to prison and the world did not end. As much as we would like to sympathize with Ibinabo a court of law has found her guilty and she must do the time. Ibinabo Fiberesima should be getting ready to do five years if she decides not to appeal the verdict. 
Unfortunately, this incident happened in 2006. Thanks to our slow legal system this case has dragged on for a decade. Justice should have been served years ago. By now all parties would have been moved on with their lives. Rather we are still here talking about it.
Ibinabo Fiberesima smiling at the IDP
Ibinabo Fiberesima smiling at the IDP camp. 
Now the court has given her five years out of the maximum seven years for manslaughter. That’s a fair sentence but I think the court should temper justice with mercy.
Ibinabo Fiberesima is a mother of five. Separating her from her children for five years would be a terrible ordeal for her. Her kids will also feel the brunt of having their mum being locked up for five years. The emotional and psychological turmoil will be too much for them. In those five years Ibinabo Fiberesima will be wrecked if she is not with her children. The bond between a mother and her children is very strong and all cost it should not be broken.
Ibinabo Fiberesima with husband and kids  play
Ibinabo Fiberesima with husband and kids

My humble suggestion is that Ibinabo Fiberesima should be sentenced to five years in prison but she should be allowed to come out after two-and-a-half years depending on her good behaviour. I think this would help keep her family structure as intact as possible.  
For those clamouring that she shouldn't do the time, I think that is wrong. No one is above the law. I however feel 5 years will have an adverse effect on her family. Based on her behaviour she should be given an early release. This is the best option for her and her kids.

Original article was culled from

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