

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Kayode Fayemi: A Governor “They” Love To Hate, By Samuel Bandele Falegan

Dr. Kayode Fayemi
I had cause to read the contrived attacks of a “triumvirate” of Segun Ayobolu, Segun Adedeji and one Jide Adamolekun that came up in succession in the news media recently, all attacking Dr. Kayode Fayemi in an unkind manner in order to destroy and prevent him from being made a minister under the Buhari administration. I know it is a conspiracy but I pray that one day those behind these attacks will regret their actions. To quote some destructive comments from them such as “worthless, of no electoral advantage, vindictive” etc. will be mere repetition and a waste of space. Gentlemen, why are you in your concerted and hateful efforts and writings all coming together at this time to make sure that he plays no role under the Buhari administration? Envy, jealousy, hatred, conspiracy all wrapped together because of some sponsors? This is inordinate ambition and bad blood.

You may or you may not succeed in your determination to destroy Kayode Fayemi. But he has already made his mark in the art of governance in Ekiti State. He has gone further to create a niche for himself in conducting the best organised APC Congress, which saw the emergence of General Buhari and led to his being elected as President of Nigeria, thus leading toward a revolutionary change most unexpected in Nigeria’s political history. It is this hate and fear of him being made a minister that leads to your collective conspiracy and hatred. What a sad reflection of these conspirators to now disguise their ulterior motive and blame Kayode Fayemi for the loss of the June 2014 Ekiti gubernatorial election and the recently concluded Ekiti State House of Assembly election. You deliberated played down the rigging machinery of the federal authority, which has now rebounded on the perpetrators, especially on the former President Jonathan, who if he has a conscience would admit guilt of employing falsehood and blackmail to deliberately impose Fayose on us in Ekiti. If you pretend not to know, I will expose two instruments of conspiracy which you try to play down.

There are two element of the anti-Yoruba conspiracy that were interwovenly executed, both taking civil-cum-military forms, and actively promoted and supported by former President Jonathan. The irony of the conspiracy is that a non-Yoruba man (indeed from President Jonathan’s home state), in his commitment to national interest, exposed this plot while two Yorubas, Dr. Okupe and Dr. Abati, implicitly supported the internally Yoruba-sponsored plot through their silence.

The two elements are as follows:
1. The Eastern Nigeria Anti-Yoruba (West) Plot. The summary of this plot is that the East, in its hatred for the Yoruba, felt that only the North and the East suffered physical destruction under the civil war. It is therefore their turn to make sure that the Yoruba suffer destruction. This plot was exposed through Col. OmotNgene of the creek army in his 16-page diary of Monday July 21, 2014, in two parts. The important aspects are quoted from Col. OmotNgene.

Part 1: The Vampires’ Pact: Uba brothers and Ekiti/Osun State Election Contracts.
“So how many sons and daughters of Ekiti and Osun State know that the June 21, 2014 Governorship Election in Ekiti and the coming Osun State Governorship Election were contracted to Chief Uba by the President Goodluck Jonathan and the PDP to deliver as electoral victory to PDP? Do the Ekiti people know that going by the terms of that “election fixing” contract, Chief Chris Uba shall begin to take N650 million from the Ekiti State treasury via the State’s Federal Allocation drawn at source every month, effective from October 2014 after the swearing in of the new Governor? This is standing order exclusive of recurrent benefits in contract awards.

Do the people of Osun know that the same condition applies to Osun State if Chief Uba should also succeed to deliver on the Osun Election Fixing Condition to the PDP and president Goodluck Jonathan? Do the people of Osun State know that should Chief Uba fix the election and successfully deliver victory to PDP, Senator Iyiola Omisore as Governor of the State is sealed to pay him (Chief Chris Uba) a monthly sum of N850 million every month via the same channel of drawing from source upon release of monthly Federal Allocation to the State?

The difference in the Osun’s Contract fee to Ekiti’s is because Omisore had preferred the lump sum of N850 million refund every month to Chris Uba without an additional pact of recurrent benefit of contract award. And this was accepted in this wise because for his State, Uba is not the direct beneficiary. You will know beneficiary in due course.

Do the people of Ekiti and Osun State know that the Resignation Letters of Mr. Peter Ayodele Fayose and Senator Iyiola Omisore from being the Governor and Chief Security Officers of Ekiti and Osun States respectively were signed before Mr. President Goodluck Jonathan and in the presence of Chris Uba. These letters are being held in trust for both parties personally by Mr. President.”

The Vampire Part 2: Revisionism as my cause for Defection. This led to the full-scale military operation under Brig. General Aliyu Momoh in Ekiti State as discussed later.
“At incipient of the Amnesty programme when it began to claim credibility for irreversible commitment of the administration of President Yar’dua – may Allah (as mark of recognition and respect for his religion) grant him paradise eternity – signs of ethnic discrimination from Ijaw axis against other ethnic component arms of the NDM. The perniciously affected more were those from the Akoko-Edo/Ilaje axis of Edo/Ondo State conurbation. With keen sense of diligence to the list of potential beneficiaries, Yar’dua queried it twice and his interests in that ethnic balance percolated down for the minority to feel substantially. Indeed, how he perceived the acts of injustice I could not say, but he detected it and called for remedy. Evidence I personally accessed point to the office of his Vice President as the manipulator of those lists.

After the demise of Yar’dua and Jonathan became officially in charge, the injustice resumed in the later stages of the Amnesty implementation. But in a pretended balance of justice, the purported Edo/Ondo share for the 2010 was skewed, with impunity, in favour of Edo State but Ondo had fallen to the governance of a perceived rascal – Dr. Olusegun Mimiko.”

Those deduction have, since October 2014, been made monthly from the Ekiti State Federal Allocation from source. That is why Fayose tells lies that it was Kayode Fayemi who wasted their money by deliberately playing on the intelligence of uniformed workers and people of Ekiti State. The change of government, by the grace of God, will expose the criminal conspiracy of Fayose and stop that rubbish.

2. The second evidence is what is called EKITIGATE, made up of both audio and video recordings of a direct military operation involving Brigadier Aliyu Momoh and Capt. Sagrin Koli, the intelligence officer to Momoh. Therefore, you see the naked display of impunity, heartlessness, arrogance, abuse and misuse of power and man’s inhumanity to man. You see how a Brigadier-General, who is supposed to use his office and position to protect the nation, uses his power corruptly and compromises the trust imposed in him. Both Capt. Sagir Koli and Col. OmotNgeme are now declared deserters and are hiding outside the country for protection.
Rather than being acclaimed for chivalry and honour for conceding defeat, President Jonathan should search his conscience and see that he had used the concession of defeat to save himself from infamy; that is why he behaved like Macbeth during his departing activities.

Mr. Conspirators, what you are doing to run down Kayode Fayemi is certainly horrible, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” It is a spiteful political decision which does not reflect the maturity of those who are making them. Ask Dr. Okupe and Dr. Abati for the letter I wrote to the President and his Vice-president on the ‘Utilisation of SURE-P Funds’. Did you let the President and his Vice-president see the letter? If you did, what action did he take that gave 80 percent of SURE-P funds to the PDP State of the North and East, the amount of N2 Billion each and 2 percent to the West, with none to Ekiti State. Supposing Kayode Fayemi won the June 21, 2014 election or the APC won the 2015 House of Assembly Election, what would you have done? How many of you were ready to face the ravaging onslaught of a federally sponsored Fayose phantom victory, coming from a ruthless Satan, worshiping in the synagogue of Demons? How many of you will like to be Don Quixote at the Windmill willing to knock your heads against the wall?

The paid writers from Ekiti, why are you so uncharitable to Fayemi? What part of Ekiti – towns, villages, hamlets – did Fayemi not know and touch to execute his programmes of development, including rural road networks, and the renovation of rural sector of our State? What about social security for the elderly, the job volunteer scheme, rural development and tourism promotion, all of which had been cancelled by Fayose? What about the proposed railway line to transport crunched quarry stones from Ekiti to construction markets in neighbouring States? What about the proposed flyover at Fajuyi Park? What about the scores of foreign business partners that flooded Ekiti, all of who have left the place because of Fayose’s impunity and the incitement of people like you?

What about the modern industrial park, the civic centre, the new Pavilion, all of which you deride as unnecessary waste. I know that your blindness to the goodness of these initiatives and developments is because they are proposed for and executed in Ado, the state capital. I am aware that some of these haters of Kayode Fayemi have asked for one favour, position, contract or the other from him, but because he was not able to meet all their needs, they are now ganging up against him.

We should be able to overcome our past prejudices against Ado-Ekiti (held by one of the sponsors of these attacks), and overgrow and outgrow this hatred. I have often said that neglecting Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, is like neglecting the whole of Ekiti State. Thank God Kayode did not cite any of these projects in Isan, his home town. Can your Governor Fayose, in his evil design, wipe out the memory of good projects of predecessors? Can you see how he has desecrated the burial ground where the late Deputy-Governor, Mrs. Funmilayo Olayinka was buried and a place meant for the heroes of Ekiti?

Kayode Fayemi, you are a man of destiny with the path to the top already paved by God for you; all the challenges along the road notwithstanding. I will not be surprised when it is the turn of Yoruba race, for you to be the President of Nigeria. You, an Ekiti man will be called upon to lead the country. Read Isaiah 60: verse 14 and sing this song:
“Through the night of dark and sorrow.
Onward goes our pilgrims band
Singing songs of expectation
Marching to the promised land.”

A note of caution to my newly elected President Buhari, with my full heart I say congratulations. If you are able to get my earlier letter to the former President on SURE-P, all oil leases listed in that letter should be reviewed in the interest of the nation. The owners, mostly Northerners, are richer than all the Northern state governments put together.

As for Generalissimo Ahmed Tinubu, beware of the three wired sisters and their prophecies in Macbeth. Resist the temptation to be used by rascals against Kayode Fayemi. We too, at our age and at the home front in Ekiti, feel the pangs of deliberate falsehood, incitement, hatred and undue interference, as if there are no elders in Ekiti to cope with the situation. Those who brought to you one of our senators to run down Kayode Fayemi are neither doing you and your image nor Ekiti any good. By their singular act of collective perfidy, they have committed a rape on human decency and have strained the relation that exists between man and man. No lie however potent can erase or remove the legacy Kayode Fayemi has left in Ekiti State. It is they who have problem sand not Kayode Fayemi. They will soon realise and face their problems when they are soon confronted with the “Roaring Lion” accompanied by the “Virginian Wolf”.

Samuel Bandele Falegan, a nonagenarian and Atoye of Ado-Ekiti, was once Managing Director of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria. He can be reached on 030-2502588, 08023942250.

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